May 24, 2013


The ideas presented to you so far under the title “Sri Kamalopanishad” are the gist of answers to the questions that arose in my mind namely

Who is Mata Kamalambika?
How Kamalamma garu became Sri Mata Kamalambika?
          What is Kamalambika Tattvam?

Having learnt Her grandeur, my mind now leaps to the next question, “where can I find Kamalambika?” In the Peetam is the immediate answer that comes to our mind. She herself claims in one of the Sookthis, “I shall eternally remain in this Peetam and protect the devotees by following them like their shadow!”(refer Sookthi No.8)

Where is this Peetam? Does Mata Kamalambika indicate that she is at Eluru Peetam? Do we have to go to Eluru to realise Her presence?

In our previous articles we have reiterated that Kamalambika is an All Pervading Presence; a Seat of all the Tattvas. She is not a human form to be limited to a body, to a place, to a name or to a form! If that is the case where do I locate Her and what is the meaning of the Sookthi quoted above? The answer is hidden right in it.

She promises to protect and guide Her disciples and devotees and follow them like their own shadow. We neither have a common nor similar shadow. Our shadows differ in size, shape, features and form. But definitely we all have a shadow; young or old, male or female, rich or poor, Indian or American- right from our birth to death it follows us.

So, dear friends where is Kamalambika? She is always with each one of us, inseparable from us like our own shadow. She is not dividing Her presence into equal parts and distributing it among different people! She is a complete, wholesome, presence for each one of us. The way we perceive Her changes as we grow internally and externally.

Where does she reside in order to guide us? Is She outside for us to see, hear, feel or smell and does she live inside us? Definitely she is not an object to be found outside. Therefore, we conclude that She is within us. Yoga Sastra says that each one of us is made of five sheaths i.e. PANCHA KOSHA
  1.       Annamaya Kosha – the physical or the gross body
  2.       Pranamaya Kosha – the inner self depending on air( Pancha Pranas)
  3.       Manomaya Kosha – the mind and citta.
  4.       Vignanamaya Kosha – the intellect or buddhi from where the ego rises
  5.       Anandamaya Kosha – the innermost sheath closest to the Atman. 
These sheaths have their independent role and are also interdependent. Let us not go into all these right now. We shall go back to our basic question of where we can find Kamalambika and what is Her Seat (Peetam) from where She operates. We may argue and be convinced that She is in each of these Koshas. But friends, I feel that MANOMAYA KOSHA is KAMALAMBIKA PEETAM! This is where the Holy Mother prefers to reside, guide and operate. I shall try to justify this dear friend.

The Manomaya Kosha is the inner sheath of every human being.  It consists of the mind (manas), the inner sensory preceptors (jnanendriyas) and the citta. Manomaya Kosha is the combination of Sattvic and Tamasic qualities. It is related to our inner subtler body. This Kosha is very important because it governs the gross body (Sthoola Deham) and the subtlest causal body (Karana Deham).  The Manomaya Kosha is fed and nourished by the inputs received from the five sensory organs. These inputs are converted into thoughts.

Thoughts make our mind. Bunches of thoughts come and go. Some are repeated, few are valid and most of them are not of any use to us. The mind nourishes our subtle body (Sookshma Deham). It is the only tool which can either propel us forward or may dump us into the doldrums. Mind can be used as a medium to enjoy luxury, to remain in the path of Dharma or elevate us to the higher strata of life leading to Discrimination, Detachment and finally Liberation i.e. VIVEKA, VAIRAGYA and MOKSHA.

The Manomaya Kosha is associated with the Manipuraka Chakra i.e. the navel centre of our body. It is the transition or bridge between man’s gross life and materialistic thoughts on one side and higher emotions like devotion and complete surrender on the other side. To cross this bridge and elevate oneself is the ultimate purpose of life.

Most of us can cross the materialistic obstacles of life with a little practice. But the most difficult exercise is to regulate the thoughts that arise in the mind. If useless thoughts arise in our mind, our resources like time and energy are wasted. If wicked thoughts arise our personality is further distorted and makes life difficult for our self and for others. This is where we need a bright, guiding light – a GURU who helps us cross the bridge.

Sitting in the Manomaya Peetam, our Parama Guru should operate on our mind, check the thoughts generated by it, eliminate the unnecessary useless ones, channelize the right thoughts and lead us to progress in our spiritual endeavour.

We should meditate on this while we chant “OM SRI KAMALAMBIKAYAI NAMAH”. This mantra repeated with devotion and conviction shall lay the seat (Peetam) for our Holy Mother and firmly establish Her presence in the Manomaya Chakra. From then onwards she will take charge of us and our transit very easy. 

Now we have arrived at the exact location of Kamalambika Peetam and I think I have answered the question with which we started our spiritual quest today!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for another thought provoking article, I definitely learned something new through this article, about the 'Koshas'.
