May 17, 2013


My mind is not yet satiated in looking into the various dimensions of the Kamalambika Tattvam. Since we have to move on to further topics of contemplation as well, I thought that we shall wind up this topic today with a very interesting yet the most difficult emotion for description, namely LOVE!!!


The very mention of RADHA brings sweetness to devotion. Bhakthi is a very gentle and soft emotion which can’t coexist with kama, krodha, lobha and moha! To eliminate these bad elements of the mind, one has to do sadhana and invoke RADHA RANI.

KRISHNA is an omnipresent wave of bliss. He attracts everyone and everyone loves Him. Each and everything in this Universe– animate or inanimate, wants Krishna!! But whom does Krishna want? Where does He go for solace? Whose love does He yearn for?

It is Radha Rani whom He wants, dearly loves and even worships! From the events narrated in Krishnaleela and Bhagavatham, we come to know that Radha Rani or Radhika was the most intimate companion of Sri Krishna who knew nothing but love for the Lord! When we go beyond the stories in our mythology we can understand the symbolism and the tattva hidden in it.

Radha tattva stands for purity in love and devotion which is called MAHABHAVA or TRANSCENDENTAL ECSTASY. The speciality of Radhika is that She bathes Herself in KARUNYAMRUTA, LAVANYAMRUTA and SNEHAMRUTA.

·     Karunyamruta is the compassion for Krishna and by Krishna which is unconditional and eternal.

·     Lavanyamruta is the grace, lustre and beauty which is not just physical but indicates the elegance and simplicity which underlies the knowledge of the Self. This is called SAMVIT SHAKTHI

·     Snehamruta is the love which increases despite the problems and obstacles. It melts the heart and due to such a SAKHI BHAVA there is a willingness to assume any role and any mood (rasa) to please Lord Krishna. This is the secret behind the Rasa Leela of Sri Krishna! Radhika assumes the multiple forms of gopikas who are in different moods of love to please the One Single Lord!

It is needless to mention that Kamalambika Herself was an Incarnate of Compassion and Love i.e. Karunyamurthi and Ishtasakhi. She was thus dear to everyone as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, counsellor and a guru. In spite of all her worldly activities she was always connected to Her Inner self whom she identified with SRI LALITHA TRIPURA SUNDARI. When one invokes Kamalambika their inner distortions namely kama, krodha, lobha and moha are eliminated and one becomes eligible to offer true devotion to the Lord. Hence it is definite that


Dear friends; the Kamalambika tattvam thus encompasses all the different philosophies of spiritualism. Thus I would like to perceive Mata Kamalambika as a repository of all the tattvas and their implicit meaning.

Therefore Sri Mata Kamalambika is



1 comment:

  1. I have never realised until today that Bhakti can not co exist with Kama , Krodha and Lobha. Co incidentally I was listening to one of Guruji's speeches recently and I have also learnt Bhakti is beyond blind belief ( MOODA NAMMAKKAM) . In SATSANG one of the devotees/sishya asked Guruji why HER treatment is different inspite many of us has same belief . In reply Guruji mentioned even the blind belief is associated with remote elements of Kama or Lobha , so even though SHE treats everyone similar , we perceive it different based on our spiritual level , but when we move on to next level and pray her with BHAKTI we understand SHE loves everyone equally.

    Needless to mention about "Love" our guruji showers up on us . Every action SHE does is with Love , SHE warns us , enjoy with us , teaches us .... and evey action has love in it . Honestly I may not love my own family as much SHE loves us un conditioanlly.

    These aticles on KAMALAMBIKA TATVAM are very inspiring and reminds me of prism which shows various colors but to see them we need to rotate it at correct angle , similarly SHE is emobodiment of various elemnts like love , affection etc , I need to question myself "Am I looking it right.?".
