July 5, 2013


Man is the only intellectually dynamic species in this entire creation. He is ever changing as an individual and also as a society. A study of the dynamics of a society is important for a sociologist. The study of the dynamics of an individual is important for a person who wants to progress in life and this happens only through SELF INQUIRY. Sri Kamalopanishad is an expedition that aims at helping and guiding the progress of the individual self towards PERFECTION AND HARMONY. This process can be achieved only when we are willing and ready to use the resources that are made available to us. Each one of us is bestowed with a powerful tool i.e. the INTELLECT (BUDDHI) which can be used as a prop under the guidance of a Sadguru! With the grace of the Lord and the blessings of a sadguru, the intellect has to be transformed from a whimpering slave to a mighty controller who holds the reins of the mind!
                 In this journey of human life our intellect passes through various stages. Starting from a phase of simple perception it grows to curiosity and observation. This later leads to rational thinking and finally matures into unbiased contemplation. The presence of the intellect, at gross as well as subtle levels, differentiates human beings from all other creations. It is this intellect which recognises the need for refinement, progress and transcend of the human consciousness to higher planes. The subtle intellect identifies that all the creations are manifestations of an ULTIMATE REALITY called the ABSOLUTE SELF or PARAMATMA. The human intellect also points out the stumbling blocks in our path to progress. It helps in identifying the emotions that cause havoc in our mind thereby distorting our perception and understanding.
                The functions of the body, mind and intellect namely the way we perceive, act, emote and rationalise depend on our inherent nature called VASANAS. This inherent nature can’t be altered in any of the creation other than human beings. Ever since the beginning of creation, cats always mew and chase the rats; lions and tigers always kill other animals for food and the trees always stand at one place and synthesise their own starch. We don’t talk about culture, refinement, enlightenment or progress of such creations. They shall remain the same throughout their existence and don’t possess a free will to change themselves. Only human beings are blessed with the intellect and free will to break the bondage created by vasanas; identify the desires and emotions through which they manifest. The Supreme Knowledge manifests as instructions of a Guru that appeal to the human intellect and provides a direction and a disciplined path to progress.
          Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya says in his BhajaGovindam
                            SATSANGATVE NISSANGATVAM
                            NISSANGATVE NIRMOHATVAM
                            NIRMOHATVE JEEVAN MUKTI
He asks us to be in the company of Sattvic people who can shift our focus from worldly, materialistic objects through Sravanam, Mananam or Sankeertanam. Once we practice this art of being among the worldly objects without being attached and expecting anything, our mind is cleansed and becomes calm and still. There is no more longing, craving and frustration. When one reaches this stage he participates in all the worldly activities without bothering to claim the merit of action or the fruits of action. He is free from KARMA KARTRUTVAM and KARMA PHALITAM. Therefore he becomes a Jeevan Muktha, a person who is firmly established in the true blissful state. This is the culmination of the journey towards progress in life which started with detaching one’s self from this material world and preferring the company of contemplative intellects.
        Mata Sri Kamalambika narrates this entire process to us in the simplest words
                                                                            (Sookthi 10)
Bouthika sareerala sambandam not only means our relationship with our kith and kin; it indicates our attachment and entanglement with all the objects that makes our mind restless in pursuit of a never ending list of desires (wealth, name, fame, children, recognition etc.).
Atmala anubandham clearly indicates our meditative status and relationship which indicates and channelizes our thoughts towards a stable INNER SELF which is always POISED AND HARMONIOUS!
Please note that Sambandam is superficial, subject to change with time and place, may be pleasant or uncomfortable and is not permanent whereas Anubandham is deep rooted, subtle and pleasant and lasts long!
Let us submit ourselves at the lotus feet of Mata Sri Kamalambika who has pointed a yogic practice for Self Realisation, the technique of realising the essence of Maha Tripura Sundari (the Chaitanya Swaroopini) as indicated by Lalitha Sahasranamam i.e.
                                                                    JAI SREE MATA…


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very good article. It touches upon many subjects like Mind and Intellect(Manasu and Buddhi),Journey of a Human life, Our Physical self Atma, Absolute Self, Vasanas, Guru, Atmala Anubandam etc.. Many pages can be written on each one of these subjects. The Author took pains in bringing the essence of many a things in a single page without loosing sight of the focus.
    Lastly, 'Sishya" has to develop certain qualities (Satsampatti) in his Spiritual life.One of them is Samadhana or Complete concentration and another is 'Sradhha" or Faith which is an affirmative attitude of mind.Thanks for the thought provoking article.
