Sri Mata Kamalambika was Para Brahma Incarnate who
descended on earth as MATRUKA ROOPINI out of sheer compassion for the people
suffering from worldly afflictions. The atma (or) human soul actually
transcends the three gunas. But the Jiva fails to recognise this truth due to
Maya. He attributes doer-ship (Kartrutvam), entangles himself in miseries and
does not know the way of deliverance (Kaivalyam). When he cries for liberation
after completely realising the temporary and unstable nature of the world, the
Lord descends in the form of a Sadguru to cut asunder the chains of bondage.
Kamalambika was such a Mahaneeya Dayamurthy who proclaimed Motherly Compassion
- VATSALYA as Her Ideal and led the people to Mukthi along the path of bhakti,
karma and jnana. She gauged the spiritual involvement and capabilities of Her
sishyas and guided them according to their inherent nature and Karmic bondage.
Human beings are
bestowed with three important apparatuses – the body, mind and intellect, so
that they conduct the experiment of life and realise the final aim or goal of
life! When students of science assemble in a lab they are first made aware of
the aim of the experiment. Now the student is Convinced and Believes in the
validity of the experiment. He trusts the correctness of the instructor and the
instructions; executes the procedure with complete Faith and Devotion. He uses
the apparatus with utmost care to reach the goal. As a result he acquires Skill
and Proficiency which fructifies into the desired result in later years of
Similarly a sadhaka starts his spiritual journey
with the aim of attaining Kaivalya or Moksha. The procedure is laid down by his
Guru. His belief in the Guru matures into Faith and Devotion. This evolution is
not an easy, single step process except for very few people like Sage Valmiki,
Adi Sankara, Bhagavan Ramana. Spiritual
evolution is a multi-fold, multi-staged process which may extend too many years
or many births depending on how we use the apparatus given to us – without
misusing, under or overusing them!
At this juncture, it is very important for us to
distinguish spiritualism from religion. Spiritualism deals with the quest for
Absolute Reality and transcends the realms of rituals, beliefs and deities. It
is purely based on introspection and the knowledge of the Inner Self! Religion
is a belief system firmly based on faith, prayers, rituals and deities. We
belong to some religion or sect by birth. Though the origin and practices
differ from one religion to the other, they aim at making a person SPIRITUAL
i.e. orient them towards the SELF!
A Sadguru acts as a bridge to connect us from our
existing state to the ABSOLUTE or PARAMATMAN. Since the disciples vary in their
basic nature (vasanas and samskara balam), the Guru chalks out different paths
for different sishyas but their Ultimate Goal is the same! The Guru identifies
the correct path for a sishya depending on the latter’s belief system and
religious practices which he/she has already been following. Thus the Guru is
an encouraging and assuring guide. The disciple’s faith is further strengthened
when he experiences certain miracles in his life. Now his path and goal is made
clearer by his Guru. Hence the religious practices like chanting mantras or
doing poojas transcend from mere mechanical activity to a higher plane of
purifying Karma. Thus a sadguru prepares the ground for imparting the higher
wisdom of SELF, by making the mind of the sishya completely Pure and Clear.
This is like cleaning a vessel carefully before filling it with milk. Let us
now observe and understand Mata Kamalambika and Her various modes of initiating
the sishyas into spiritual practice i.e.
SPARSHA DEEKSHA: - Smt. Durgamba was
in great despair and grief when she lost her husband quite early in life. Such
a grieving mind quickly drowns into depression, the life is torn apart by the
miseries created by the mind and the person loses sight of his/her purpose of
life. That is when a Sadguru quickly acts by transmitting intense divine power
that restores confidence and faith in the person, makes their life meaningful
and initiates them into intense spiritual practice.
Sri Mata Kamalambika placed Her boon bestowing hand
(Abhaya Varada Hastam) on Durgamba’s head and restored her mental equanimity.
Now the devotee’s mind calmed down and was prepared to receive the Guru’s
instructions regarding her way of life and sadhana. Here our Paramaguru
prepared the sishya through Hastha Masthaka Samyogam and led her along the path
of spiritual sadhana!
SWAPNA DEEKSHA: - Sometimes Gurus
appear in the dreams of their sishyas; correct, instruct and lead them along
the spiritual path. When a person is awake, his mind is engaged with the
objects of the world and the five senses. Hence the mind’s receptivity and
efficiency in terms of spiritual matters is less. When the person is in deep
sleep, the mind loses its body consciousness and merges with the intellect. The
intellect also slowly merges with the PRAGNANAM or CONSCIOUSNESS in very deep
sleep. Now the Guru imparts ATMA BODDHA which helps the disciple to understand
and overcome the shortcomings and completely assimilate the Power of the Guru’s
Upadesam. This happened in the case of Kota Janakirama sarma garu. Mata
Kamalambika appeared in his dream and gave him Mantropadesam.
PRATYAKSHA DEEKSHA: - In some cases the
Guru appears voluntarily in front of the sishya and fore warns about some
impending danger. The Guru also initiates a Sadhana which strengthens the
forbearance and endurance of the sishya. Thus the sishya faces the test of life
and progresses spiritually with reinforced faith. Mata Kamalambika has led some
sishyas in the sadhana marga in this manner also. Smt.Varalakshmi was thus
cautioned about an accident and was later saved by Guru’s grace. But the net
result was that the sishya gained a path for her spiritual sadhana. This
incident helps us to infer that a sadhaka should not always seek divine
intervention to alleviate his miseries; instead he should reinforce his faith
in the Divine and his Guru and walk the path with greater perseverance.
PRASADA DEEKSHA: - There are instances
when Mata Kamalambika set the doubts to rest in the minds of Her sishyas by
giving them kumkuma or panaka prasada before showing them the path of
sadhana. She removed the doubts and
anxieties from the mind of Sri. Prakash Rao garu by passing on Her Anugraha through
panaka prasadam, instilled devotion and the spirit of Sadhana in his mind!
Thus a Guru purifies the mind of his Sishyas in various modes, designs a
suitable sadhana marga and leads them to the Ultimate Goal of MOKSHA. The
Parabrahmam – the Immensely Compassionate Mother praised as AVYAJA KARUNA
MOORTHY also operates as GURUMOORTHY and GURUMANDALA ROOPINI to uplift the
Jivatma to attain BRAHMAIKYA sthithi!
Yes. Thank you Sir. As Guruji said if any disciple do sadhana, he will achieve for what he deserved. The only required one thing is ultimate belief in Guruji's words and sayings.
ReplyDeleteSo narrative and crisp to be able to orient our spiritual knowledge and ensure to create sustainable status of reaching Guru's charanamulu. Thank you team!
ReplyDelete- VamsiKeerthana