July 19, 2013


The first part of this article was to initiate contemplation on the sixth Sookthi given by Mata Kamalambika for the spiritual progress of the sadhaks. We shall take up the same sookthi for higher learning in this week’s article also.


This sookthi appears to be a concise version of the four Mahavakhyas. The Vedas, Vedangas and the Upanishads are so vast in their content and meaning that our ancient rishis thought of putting the entire content in a nutshell. There are four great statements or aphorisms in which the philosophy of the entire Vedas and Vedanta has been indoctrinated. A spiritual seeker learns the meaning of these mahavakhyas from a Guru and puts the knowledge to practice; thus converting knowledge to wisdom. By adopting these methods in daily life, his wisdom matures into jnana and takes him to higher realms in the path of salvation. He practices dharma and strongly holds on to sathya with sraddha. Hence every action is performed with accuracy and perfection but the mind doesn’t crave or hanker for recognition or fame. This is how King Janaka became a Raja Rishi; in spite of his duties as an emperor. Such is the greatness of the Mahavakyas and the Guru who imparts its essence and meaning so that the sishyas may implement those practices in daily life.

Now let us proceed to analyse how these four mahavakyas have been incorporated in the sookthi under consideration.

NENU or AHAM was pronounced as an ANUBHAVA VAKHYA of a SELF-REALISED BEING. This is the reflection of the statement AHAM BRAHMA ASMI which is the mahavakya from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad in Yajurveda.
BHAKTHI was pronounced as ABHYASA VAKHYA for a sishya i.e. the mode of practice through which we realise that the activating principle in the individual and the universe is One and the same. Through unflinching devotion and jnana an aspirant realises AYAM ATMA BRAHMA which is a mahavakhya from Mandukya Upanishad in Atharvanaveda.

VASAMOUTANU was stated as UPADESA VAKHYA to a seeker to emphasise that the Self enclosed by the panchakosas in an individual is the all-pervading Self which is limitless and eternal. Through this Upadesa the seeker gets an advice and assurance of his Purity and Completeness. This is the meaning implied in the aphorism TAT TVAM ASI from Chandogya Upanishad from Samaveda.

EDHITI VAADI BAADHALE NA BAADHALU is a LAKSHANA VAKHYA, a definition by which an evolved person identifies one’s self with everything else in this Universe. He personally doesn’t suffer at the same time empathises because he realises that everything in this creation has one common substratum i.e. CONSCIOUSNESS – PRAGNANAM; but differ in name and form. This UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS is the characteristic of the Supreme Reality or Brahman. This feeling of Universality i.e. Being in Everything and Everything in the Being is the mahavakhya PRAGNANAM BRAHMA from Aithreya Upanishad in Rigveda.

           This Sookthi reminds us of the namam SRUTHI SEEMANDHA SINDHURI KRUTA PADABBJA DOOLIKA because only Sri Mata who is beyond the reach of Vedas, Vedangas and Upanishads has to descend and take up the task of making us comprehend and adhere to the instructions of the Upanishads. Thus this sookthi is the greatest ANUGRAHA from our Parama Guru Sri Mata Kamalambika. It is like a Lion’s roar which silences all the disturbing sounds produced by the mind in this dense forest of Samsara. The practice of this sookthi will liberate us from the entangling clutches of Samsara since She is Samsara Panka Nirmagna Samudarana Panditha!

With salutations to Her Lotus Feet,



  1. A great eye-opener on a cluster of Upanishads and Vedas to implicitly explain the sookthi's significance. Simply, spell-bound by the comprehension and how easily impacting our Bhakti modulation to Sri Mata Kamalambika. Thank you Team!

    Om Sri Kamalambikaye Namaha
    - VamsiKeerthana

  2. The article was written very well and lot of time effort and energy were put in. Hence the outcome is excellent. Initially, the article appeared complicated but found to be simple. In 'Bhagavatgita" the same meaning has been expressed by Bhagavan Sri Krishna.
    1.Chapter 8 Sloka 14: Ananya-chaetaah Sathatham Ya-o Maam Smarathy Nithyashaha
    Tasya-aham Sulabhah Paart’tha Nithya-yuktasya Yoginaha :"who so ever remembers me with total devotion and Bhakti, I am always available to him".
    In Telugu it is like "Ananya chittamu to nannu smarinchu vaniki atani nirantara Bhakti valana nenu sulabhamuga labhyudanai untanu.The first line is the same 'Maha Vajya".
    2.The second one is from Chapter 9,Sloka 22:-

    Ananyaa-s-chintayanta-o Maam Yae Janaah Pary-upaasatae
    Taeshaam Nithya-abhi-yuktaanaam Yoga-kshemam Vahami-aham
    Meaning -"Those people who take refuge in me, who are always devoted to me ,I take their responsibility". In telugu it is like this-"Nannu ananya bhakti to dhyaninchuchu, archinchu vari yoga kshemamulu nene chusedanu"
    How simple are Kamalamma gari sukthis!
    Thanks for bringing all the sukthis to the forefront and thereby giving us an opportunity to rediscover.

  3. Phani/Sowmya CherukuriAugust 1, 2013 at 3:46 PM

    In one of the speeches in JnanaVahini by Guruji , She explained on how to practice on "Nee Manasu Visalam Chesuko" sukthi and then I thought there is a hidden message behind each sukthi (like Lalitha Sahasranama Gudarthalu) but now realised our Guru's have translated all the essence of Vedas, Upanishads , Puranas in to 12 simple (yet very complicated )sukthis . I have to admit with all the honesty that I am enjoying reading them but I need to put it in to practice.
