June 21, 2013


Sri Kamalaopanishad aims at exploring Sri Mata Kamalambika’s teachings (Sookthis) for the progress of a spiritual aspirant who is a householder bound by the compulsions of society. Mata Kamalambika was an incarnation of Absolute Truth! Her Divyacharitra shows that the foundation of her life was SATYAM; her principles were based on DHARMA and her walk of life was paved by DEVOTION. She tread this path irrespective of the challenges and difficulties and thus reached her Ultimate Goal i.e. SELF-REALISATION. Every one of us has heard of the Mahavakya


This has been the guiding principle for the entire mankind ever since life on earth started. The terms Satyam and Dharmam are used very commonly but they are the most difficult to define; yet they can be understood with practice and wisdom (aacharana and anubavam). But the biggest problem is to differentiate and discriminate Satyam from Asatyam and Dharma from Adharma. What appears to be true and correct under a certain context becomes untrue and incorrect under another circumstance and vice-versa.

For example, our scriptures instruct us to follow ahimsa at all times but the same scriptures endorse that wars have to be fought to protect the innocent and helpless people and thereby restore Dharma!

No amount of academic knowledge helps us in obtaining this sense of discrimination (VIVEKA). We see that the master minds behind the scams and scandals are highly qualified professionals and bureaucrats. We also see how some of them are highly vulnerable and become scapegoats in such corrupt practices in spite of their academic proficiency and professional excellence. In these cases the knowledge acquired and the learning experiences have not helped the individuals in their Dharmacharana.

Sri Mata Kamalambika puts this in a nut shell for us in Her Sookthi


                                                                                                          (Sookti 4)

The word Vidya has a very high connotation in our culture. We revere the Goddess of Learning and Knowledge as Vidya and The Almighty Lalitha Tripura Sundari as Vidya Avidya Swaroopini. Then what is Alpa Vidya? Any knowledge, any information or any pursuit that pollutes our thoughts and blemishes our mind is alpa vidya. Sometimes the words we hear the scenes we see, the content we read or the feelings we experience willingly or under compulsion generate mean tendencies in our mind. Such information is alpa vidya and they are very tough obstacles for our progress; both, materialistic and spiritual. It is so relevant in the current day context because we have access to so much of disgusting and useless information from the media and at the click of a mouse. Even a highly matured mind finds it difficult to handle the nature of content presented by these sources. Sri Mata asks us to throw away such content (visarjinchu) ; not just out of sight or hearing but away from our anthakharanas i.e. manas, chitta and buddhi. But we can’t silence our mind since it is against basic human nature. The Immortal Mother immediately adds in Her Sookthi that mind should be nurtured by thoughts that leads one to Mukthi i.e. SELF REALISATION.

             Thus She has beautifully laid the foundation for Atma Vidya in the most simple and effective words through Her Sookthi. I prostrate at the Lotus Feet of Sri Mata who manifested to instruct and demonstrate the implicit meaning of Atma Vidya, Maha Vidya and Sri Vidya through Her Sookthi and show us the path of life that leads us to the ULTIMATE GOAL OF KAIVALYA!

JAI SREE MATA…..           

1 comment:

  1. This article very aptly describes in detail the conflict, within each one of us, between Satyam and Asatyam and also between Dharmam and Adharmam. As rightly told every minute each one of us are being flooded with large amount of "Bad news". I have coined the word 'bad" purposefully as it wont help us in our life.On the other hand they may adversely impact us.Your Faith, Guru's guidance, self control, Sadhana etc..will clear the "maya".
    "Alpa Buddhi" as I understand is one which makes you or your "ego" HAPPY in the Short Term.
    One example is Swamy Yogananda meets a Sadhaka(?)or Yogi who used to create smell of any flower in no time. Sri Yogananda asks him it took how many years of sadhana? 12 years was the reply.

    Other example is regarding Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.One day one Sadhaka/yogi shows Sri Ramakrishna that he can Walk on Water and crossed the river. Sri Ramakrishna told him that with 2 paisa one can cross the river and why waste 7years of Sadhana?
    Finally the way the Article was written in simple English and in lucid style, it is really great and deserves applauds.
