April 26, 2013


The intrinsic, inherent and the most distinctive quality is said to be the essence or tattva of a thing, person or a concept.  This essence retains the basic nature and is an abstract of the unique qualities. What is the essence of Sri Mata Kamalambika? What is that Tattva that nourishes and uplifts our lives?

We move on to contemplate in this angle only after completely realising that Mata can’t be confined to physical boundaries. She is the essence of the ABSOLUTE and the ULTIMATE REFUGE i.e. PARABRAHMAM and PARANDAMAM. Sri Mata Kamalambika is a spectrum encompassing all the aspects of the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Let us pray that She sheds light on us to understand Her tattva! I have tried exploring only a few approaches and leave the remaining philosophies for your kind consideration.


It is needless to emphasise the importance of a guru in one’s life. Right from our birth we are taught and guided by various people. Our parents and siblings at home, teachers at school and college, our friends and peer at work; by and large the society as a whole teaches a person how to be and how not to be! A guru is a very special person who guides us in our spiritual pursuits. The guru knows our current spiritual state and also devises the most appropriate method to guide and take us forward. The guru himself is a sadhak in a higher plane. He knows the obstacles in the path of sadhana and just as his own guru helped him, he also helps the sadhaks directly or indirectly. It is only from a burning candle that other candles can be lit! Thus by being in his own sadhana principles obtained from a guru parampara the Guru guides, leads, observes and periodically checks the progress of his sishya.

Mata Kamalambika was firmly rooted in her practices as instructed by her gurus and passed on the tradition, tapas and deeksha; thereby taking charge   of her sishyas.


Let us further explore the other philosophies embedded in Her tattva in the forthcoming parts of this inquiry.



  1. There can be only an endless journey to know all about Guru Thathvas, indeed, forums are helping us to comprehend the imponderable Thatvas and bestow the very essence of Sri Mata Kamalambika's Blesssings showered on us. Thank you so much for all the efforts endeavored to address and enlighten our way to Bhakti margam!

  2. our GURUPARAMPARA itself reflects GURUTATVAM and relentless effort by our gurus to enlighten incorrigible sishyas like me . It is quiet a difficult subject to follow but articles , speeches ,discussions/sharing of experiences are at least helping us to understand this complex and conglomerate subject to some degree. Thank you so much for this precious gift . JAI KAMALA.
