September 1, 2013


       We are here, before you, with the epilogue of Sri Kamalopanishad, after journeying together for the past 23 weeks trying to explore the various aspects and get a holistic picture of Sri Mata Kamalambika. Through Eswara Iccha, Guru Kripa and Satsankalpa we were able to dive deep into Her Charitra, Leela and Sookthis; gather some precious  gems; string them into a necklace with devotion and humbly submit it at Her Lotus feet!

          We would like to present a summary of SRI KAMALOPANISHAD in the form of a Chakra christened by our Guru garu as SRI KAMALA  KAIVALYA CHAKRAM. Our Guru first enables us to see this Chakra, by empowering us with the


With this mantra as our tool we can now enter into the SRI KAMALA VYUHAM ! There are four different entry paths into this Chakra i.e. four ways by which we may be taken into the fold of Mata Kamalambika

         1. Due to the GURU BHAKTHI instilled in our hearts by our family, friends or relatives which consecutively results in our visit to the Kamalambika Peetam.

        2. Due to some Divine Experience - ANUBHAVA which led us towards the Divine Grace of the Almighty and Paramaguru, which is called Anugraha.

          3. Due to curiosity - JIGNYASA in knowing Who is Mata Kamalambika ?

     4. Due to an unquenched thirst for guidance in one's Sadhana and observes The Transformation of Kamalamma Garu to Mata Kamalambika as a live example of intense, guided Sadhana which fructified to Realising the Self.

After entering into the Sri Kamala Vyuham as a sishya, a devotee, a spiritual aspirant or as a simple curious onlooker, the faith and devotion of the person is strengthened through the Beeja Mantra, Satsangs, Charitra parayana, one's own experiences etc. By the grace of the Sadguru one now gets a complete view of Her Peripheral Aspects in the DARSHANA CHAKRA. For those who have entered into this sphere, Sri Mata gracefully reveals Her True Nature, Her Tattva, Her Evolution, Her Dharmacharana, Her Ideologies - Sookthis, Her Methodology of cleansing the mind, showering Her Anugraha and granting Her Darshan at the Peetam. When a  person contemplates on these aspects he feels comforted; draws sufficient strength and confidence to overcome the tests and temptations of SAMSARA. A glimpse of such meditative thoughts were presented in our articles titled Who, How, What, When, Why and Where of Sri Kamalopanishad.

                             When our faith, devotion and contemplation become focused SRI MATA gives us the experience of Her Grandeur by drawing us further within i.e. into the ANANDANUBHAVA CHAKRA. She projects Herself in the form of various resources- people, events, information etc. so that we can observe, understand, emulate or derive strength, protection and inspiration from Her Divine Aura! She reveals Her multiple dimensions as an Avatar of the Paradevata, a Brahma Jnani, Jeevan Muktha, Siddha Purusha, Yogini, an Ideal Sadhaka and Bhaktha, as a Sadguru who leads us forward in this chosen path. The huge Karunasagar lies in front of us and it is up to us to just stand on the shore and gape at it in awe or to take a head long dive and become one with it by simply dropping our ego. The revelation of Her multiple dimensions further secures our path firmly so that we accept life as a gift of The Lord without demands, comparisons and complaints. We are freed from the three dreaded distortions or Doshas namely Mayika, Karmika and Aanava malam and attain the state of being NIRMALA.This is the greatest part of our spiritual evolution. When we are strongly anchored to Her, we remain cheerful and open minded so that the Divine Energy chooses to flow through us. Some of us just stop at being an obedient sishya, an ardent devotee, a curious onlooker or a pursuer of knowledge. But when we move ahead and surrender ourselves completely i.e. ATMA NIVEDHANA, then the Sadguru takes us into Her Inner Aura - the SAMPOORNA SAMRAKSHANA CHAKRA.

                  For those who have thus advanced, She is VANCHITHA ARDHA PRADAYANI, without our asking, She bestows us with

                     Material Wealth - AYUR, AROGYAM and AISHWARYAM

When the Sadguru steers our life we progress in all the walks of life by perfecting our actions and filling our heart with unconditional love for the entire creation fully realising that everything is Her sport and manifestation; fully experiencing Her Supremity as SRI MAHARAGNI and Her Might and Valour as SRIMAD SIMHASANESWARI and completely surrender ourselves. ATMA SAMARPANA is not a passive submission born out of inability, dependence or fear. It arises out of Realising the Supreme Power which is All Pervasive, Eternal and beyond the reach of the mind or intellect since She is KALPANA RAHITHA. She draws us towards us since She is Love Incarnate and is accessible even to a dull low-witted, ignorant and arrogant person like me, because She is AABALA GOPA VIVIDHA; She is  SREE MATA my eternal mother who has always taken care of me, in all my innumerable births be it insects, birds, animals, plants or human. With all Her concern for us She manifested as our Pujyaguru to ensure our spiritual progress.

The Guru leads us into Her Mukthidhamam where our mind always lingers to Her Pure Divine leela - ANAGHA ADHBUTHA CHARITRA. Now Sree Mata shines brightly as our ATMA SURYA and keeps our HRUDAYA KAMALAM in full bloom so that She can permanently reside in it. Let us humbly submit and hail the UNIVERSAL MOTHER in Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar's words

           Sri Kamalamba Samrakshathumam; Hrt Kamala Nagara Nivasini Amba!!



August 23, 2013


Sadgurus descend on earth again and again at various places with different names and forms in order alleviate the sufferings, remind people of their duties and lead them spiritually. They make us realise that our True Nature is Bliss Eternal. They exhibit their mystic nature to instil faith and devotion through their preaching, miracles and divine experiences so that ordinary people transform to devotees and then into sishyas, who progress rapidly in the path of spirituality. Mata Sri Kamalambika’s Divyacharitra reveals this mystic aspect of our Sadguru.

The Charitra says that She had four Manasaputrulu and one of them was Sri K. Rama Rao garu. It is very interesting to note that he often compared Mata Kamalambika to the great Tamil mystic Avvaiyar. The most important principles of life, namely,  Dharma ,Satyam and Ahimsa; the significance of Guru, Mantropadesam and the Ultimate Realisation; the method of making life meaningful etc. was dealt by Avvaiyar in a lucid style that makes religion practical and applicable to children and grown up, alike. Mata Kamalambika was also equally at ease with children and adults and Her teachings in the form of folk songs, kritis and Sookthis was appealing to everyone. Avvaiyar’s contribution to the literary spiritual and political world was very great and she is well known for giving short statements of 3-4 words with immense meaning which find relevance even to this day. The depth of meaning in Smt.Kamalamma garu’s sookthis is also equally immense as we have seen in our earlier articles.

             The miracles and divine experiences associated with a mystic’s life have a great significance to the spiritual aspirants. The miracles normally fall under four categories.

1.     HEALING

There are innumerable cases that reveal Mata Kamalambika as a HEALER. The Divyacharitra relates how the devotees were cured of cancer and tumour; childless couples were blessed with children; the voice of a lady was restored so that she could continue her profession as a carnatic vocalist; speech disabilities were cured etc. Our ancient scriptures declare that the greatest degree of ignorance is to relate one’s happiness and sorrow with the body and the senses. Most of us are struck up with the fear of death and disease, and fail to relish the beauty of existence! The Merciful Mother who is OJOVATHY - the Essence of Life, understands our plight and replenishes the missing element of life and rejuvenates us. She is SARVAVYADHI PRASAMANI and SARVAMRTYU NIVARINI who heals and strengthens us through the Sadguru who acts as our mystic healer. When a mystic heals our physical body, a faith in the Divine Power is induced in the mind; we understand the temporary and unstable nature of the mortal body and start seeking for something higher. This understanding is the first step to Sadhana and the mystic now acts as a Guru who gradually leads us to search of the TRUE I and enlightens us about the Eternal, Unchanging and Unaffected State of Bliss.

                     For people who have overcome the body consciousness, there is another great challenge i.e. the mind and its vagaries. It vacillates between trust and mistrust; belief and disbelief; faith and faithlessness. Such people recognise the Divine Call at the mental and intellectual levels. Their experiences are far beyond the explanation of laws of science and nature and are called Siddhis. These Siddhis help them to travel to any place with their subtle bodies, read people’s mind, multiply the available prasadam even for a huge unexpected gathering, know the future and warn about the impending disasters, control the natural elements etc. Mata Kamalambika drew some of the devotees in the spiritual path and reinforced their faith through the power of Siddhis. She mostly stayed at Eluru but has appeared before Her sishyas at different places to save them from fatal accidents. She has given darshan as Mother Kali, Udupi Sri Krishna and Bala Tripura Sundari to some of them. The rising and turbulent river waters, the blazing and devouring fire were put to rest when She simply waved Her hand. She could control the panchabhootas , reveal the sun and moon as light emitted from her body and yet call herself, a humble devotee of the Mother! Those who have experienced the unique Siddhi powers of Mata Kamalambika confirm that She was the Paradevata in human form. The Universal Mother exalted as SIDDHESWARI, SIDDHA VIDHYA and SIDDHA MATA chose to shower Her Divine Mystic Grace through the Sadguru not only to alleviate our sufferings but also to lead us towards spiritual progress.

            Devi Bhagavatham and other Saktha literature praise Mother Goddess as DHUSHTA DHURA and DHURACHARA SAMANI because She manifested as Maha Kali, Maha Durga, Mahishasura Mardhani, Varahi and Bala Tripura Sundari to always protect the good and destroy the evil forces. She bestows very great mystic powers to the sadgurus to condemn black magic and other evil practices. The presence of Mata Kamalambika was sufficient to put down such negative forces. Once a man possessing black magical powers was trying to cheat and exploit people. The moment Mata appeared on the scene; he fell at Her feet flatly; confessed his bad intentions; apologised and fled the place. A mystic not only paves the right path; he/she always eliminates the bad and evil to facilitate Dharmic actions.

               The most interesting aspect is that the soul of a mystic descends on earth from the causal world whenever the followers call them with love, faith and devotion. Such great masters are not bound by space, time and matter. They represent the SOOKSHMA ROOPINI aspect of the Parabrahmam. Hence they can manifest in multiple forms, at different places at the same time and death is not an end for such great souls. Due to our ignorance we attribute a date of birth and death to them and mourn when they give up their physical body. They try to remove this ignorance by resurrecting  in order to console and pacify their devotees; the Sadgurus have also promised that they always continue to live in the Samadhi or Peetam in their subtle form and shall manifest upon the calling  of their sishyas. Mata Kamalambika also resurrected to show how She attained Kapala moksham and was seen to merge with the idol of the deity in the Peetam.

                         Even to this day, devotees have numerous experiences of Her healing touch, protecting aura and above all Her guiding presence. As we progress in this chosen path we can experience the compassion of the Mother in so many forms and Her love for us in so many ways with many watchful eyes. Let the miracles experienced by us enhance and preserve our faith and devotion for the Paramatma as we humbly submit ourselves to Her lotus feet, since She always protects us as SAHASRA ROOPA DARINI, SAHASRA SEERSHA VADHANA, SAHASRAKSHI and SAHASRAPATH.

                                                                                JAI SREE MATA...

August 16, 2013


            There is certain Dharma common to all of us which should be definitely observed and followed by everyone. Some of the aspects are
  • Sathyacharana – Speaking the truth at all times
  • Indriyanigraha – Control of senses
  • Bhutadaya - Compassion towards the entire creation by completely understanding their limitations due to their vasanas
  • Dhaanam - Being liberal and sharing with the less fortunate without expecting anything in return
  • Ahimsa – Not hurting anyone in thought, word and action
  • Saucham - Maintaining purity of thought, word and action by overcoming  greed, anger, hatred and desires
  • Niradambaram – Being simple at all times
  • Mangalakaram – Always being auspicious in thoughts and words and spreading positiveness all around
                          Our Paramapujya guru was firmly convinced that this Sanatana Haindava Dharma helped in preserving the balance and well - being of the society. Her belief originated from the moral value imparted by Her Gurus and Her father Sri Kokkanda Venkatratnam Pantulu garu. She observed the path of Dharma laid for Grihasthasrama with complete sraddha! Sri Mata was a manifestation of Dharma. Hence She was able to follow even the subtlest aspects and point out those principles to Her disciples at every possible instance by becoming a role model instead of simply preaching!

                The instances narrated in the Divyacharitra and by the devotees show that She was an epitome of Dharmacharana. Let us consider a few of them

  • She insisted that the pooja and other celebrations at the Peetam should always be simple. She was particular that it should be in accordance to the Vedic tradition but should not be an affair of pomp and show. Devotees were physically involved in all the activities like decorating the deities, cooking, serving food etc. but contributions in the form of money or hundi collection was never accepted and the tradition continues till date! Her personal life was so simple and disciplined that Her only goal was Being with the Self at all times. She was a representative of Niradambara Jeevatvam.
  • Mata Kamalambika followed Ahimsa with utmost care and was particular not to hurt anyone in thought, word and deed. She asked Her sishyas not to talk bad about others. During Her pilgrimage to Bhadrachalam, She saw a lady who behaved childishly carrying a Krishna idol with her. The people who accompanied Mata commented on the lady as being insane. But Paramaguru immediately restrained them from talking ill and added that it would be difficult for ordinary people to understand the behaviour of those who are intensely devoted to the Lord! She even went a step ahead and said that we should avoid discussions about our religious beliefs and Devatharchana, so that we prevent people speaking ill of the religion and accruing sins, in case they do not believe our faith system. That was the stature of Her adherence to Ahimsa!
  • People who came to the Peetam never returned hungry. She followed Her grihastha dharma of serving the guests sumptuously with love and care. She considered the ATHITHIS , unannounced guests to be PARABRAHMA SWAROOPAM and followed the Dharmic principle of ATHITHI DEVO BHAVA! She fed Her sishyas compassionately with food for the stomach (ANNAM) and food for the mind (JNANAM). Her compassion for birds and animals was also great that She cured the milk cows of Her milkmaid from dreadful disease. She even went to the extent of giving a decent burial to a crow that died out of electric shock when it sat on an electric pole. Her Bhutadaya was far beyond words!
  • Hindu dharma considers kumkuma tilakam, pasupu parani and mangala sutra as symbols of auspiciousness for married women. They are expected to part these three things when they are widowed and this causes a great grief to that person and to those around her. When Sri Satyanarayana garu passed away, Mata Kamalamabika’s sishyas grieved and insisted that She should retain these auspicious things for the sake of the grieving sishyas. But Kamalama garu who had firm faith in the validity and correctness of Haindava Dharma refused their plea and gave a beautiful explanation for Mangalatvam and removed their ignorance as well as ours. She said that Upholding the Samskara (Purity in all aspects) was her Kumkuma, the Samsksema (Well - being) of her sishyas and devotees was her Pasupu parani and Matrutvam (Motherliness) was her Mangalasutram! What a striking analogy and explanation for auspiciousness; where is the question of her giving up these auspicious things when she always adorned herself with these everlasting qualities! Isn’t this the way we should understand our ANCIENT DHARMA instead of criticising and condemning the beliefs, faith and rituals? Thus our Pujyaguru has shown us the qualities to be developed by a Gruhini in adorning one’s self with kumkuma tilakam, pasupu parani and mangalasutram; otherwise they shall simply be ornamental and not auspicious!
  • Her Indriya nigraha (control over the senses) and purity of devotion towards the Almighty, Gurus and elders were far beyond words. She retracted from the worldly affairs and kept to Herself as She advanced in Her spiritual practice.
She showed Her sishyas that Dharmic actions cleanses and releases us from Karmic bondage. She emphasised that a life based on Dharma definitely refines a person and the society, improves the quality. Of the four Purusharthas, Dharma is the only tool that shall definitely bring in material prosperity (Artha), satisfy one’s genuine desires (Kama) and lead one to liberation from Samsara (Moksha) in this Janma by initially becoming a Jeevan Muktha and then attain Kaivalyam.

  •  Paramaguru Kamalambika insisted and encouraged Her sishyas to help people in need with mercy and compassion. She was very particular that each one of us should practice Dhaana, extend Daya and Kshama (forgiveness). She warned that these qualities were waning in the society and the human beings were becoming more and more self - centred. This would lead to intolerance, violence and stressful life causing great harm to the society.
 Lord Krishna says that the Almighty shall incarnate as great masters whenever there is a decline of righteousness, morality, good conduct etc. i.e. DharmaAcharana. Whenever Adharma dominates and harms the innocent, good people, sages and seers; the Lord has promised to descend as an avatar to punish the evil and restore Dharma.                                                   

             Yada yadi hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharatha
            Abhyuttanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham!!
                                                                           (Chapter 4; Verse 7)

       Dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge !!
                                                                           (Chapter 4; Verse 8)

Only those actions based on Dharma can sustain and protect human life and creation as a whole. The Vedas instruct us

      Vedo’khilo dharmamulam; Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah!

Now we understand why Sri Mata Kamalambika insisted that Dharmacharana is superior to Tapas. Let us make a holy vow to follow the Dharmic path shown by our guru parampara at all times and worship the Universal Mother as the basic 
Principle of Dharma – DHARMA ADHARA

Establisher of Dharma – DHARMADHARA

Percolator of Dharma – DHARMA DHARA

Nurturer of Dharma – DHARMA VARDHINI

Since She is above all these codes we pray and proclaim Her as DHARMA ADHARMA VIVARJITHA!

                                               JAI SREE MATA…

August 9, 2013

                     - CARVING THE PATH TO PERFECTION

Sri Mata Kamalambika was Para Brahma Incarnate who descended on earth as MATRUKA ROOPINI out of sheer compassion for the people suffering from worldly afflictions. The atma (or) human soul actually transcends the three gunas. But the Jiva fails to recognise this truth due to Maya. He attributes doer-ship (Kartrutvam), entangles himself in miseries and does not know the way of deliverance (Kaivalyam). When he cries for liberation after completely realising the temporary and unstable nature of the world, the Lord descends in the form of a Sadguru to cut asunder the chains of bondage.

                                  Mata Kamalambika was such a Mahaneeya Dayamurthy who proclaimed Motherly Compassion - VATSALYA as Her Ideal and led the people to Mukthi along the path of bhakti, karma and jnana. She gauged the spiritual involvement and capabilities of Her sishyas and guided them according to their inherent nature and Karmic bondage.

                          Human beings are bestowed with three important apparatuses – the body, mind and intellect, so that they conduct the experiment of life and realise the final aim or goal of life! When students of science assemble in a lab they are first made aware of the aim of the experiment. Now the student is Convinced and Believes in the validity of the experiment. He trusts the correctness of the instructor and the instructions; executes the procedure with complete Faith and Devotion. He uses the apparatus with utmost care to reach the goal. As a result he acquires Skill and Proficiency which fructifies into the desired result in later years of life.

Similarly a sadhaka starts his spiritual journey with the aim of attaining Kaivalya or Moksha. The procedure is laid down by his Guru. His belief in the Guru matures into Faith and Devotion. This evolution is not an easy, single step process except for very few people like Sage Valmiki, Adi Sankara, Bhagavan Ramana.  Spiritual evolution is a multi-fold, multi-staged process which may extend too many years or many births depending on how we use the apparatus given to us – without misusing, under or overusing them!

At this juncture, it is very important for us to distinguish spiritualism from religion. Spiritualism deals with the quest for Absolute Reality and transcends the realms of rituals, beliefs and deities. It is purely based on introspection and the knowledge of the Inner Self! Religion is a belief system firmly based on faith, prayers, rituals and deities. We belong to some religion or sect by birth. Though the origin and practices differ from one religion to the other, they aim at making a person SPIRITUAL i.e. orient them towards the SELF!

A Sadguru acts as a bridge to connect us from our existing state to the ABSOLUTE or PARAMATMAN. Since the disciples vary in their basic nature (vasanas and samskara balam), the Guru chalks out different paths for different sishyas but their Ultimate Goal is the same! The Guru identifies the correct path for a sishya depending on the latter’s belief system and religious practices which he/she has already been following. Thus the Guru is an encouraging and assuring guide. The disciple’s faith is further strengthened when he experiences certain miracles in his life. Now his path and goal is made clearer by his Guru. Hence the religious practices like chanting mantras or doing poojas transcend from mere mechanical activity to a higher plane of purifying Karma. Thus a sadguru prepares the ground for imparting the higher wisdom of SELF, by making the mind of the sishya completely Pure and Clear. This is like cleaning a vessel carefully before filling it with milk. Let us now observe and understand Mata Kamalambika and Her various modes of initiating the sishyas into spiritual practice i.e.  Deeksha!

SPARSHA DEEKSHA: - Smt. Durgamba was in great despair and grief when she lost her husband quite early in life. Such a grieving mind quickly drowns into depression, the life is torn apart by the miseries created by the mind and the person loses sight of his/her purpose of life. That is when a Sadguru quickly acts by transmitting intense divine power that restores confidence and faith in the person, makes their life meaningful and initiates them into intense spiritual practice.

Sri Mata Kamalambika placed Her boon bestowing hand (Abhaya Varada Hastam) on Durgamba’s head and restored her mental equanimity. Now the devotee’s mind calmed down and was prepared to receive the Guru’s instructions regarding her way of life and sadhana. Here our Paramaguru prepared the sishya through Hastha Masthaka Samyogam and led her along the path of spiritual sadhana!

SWAPNA DEEKSHA: - Sometimes Gurus appear in the dreams of their sishyas; correct, instruct and lead them along the spiritual path. When a person is awake, his mind is engaged with the objects of the world and the five senses. Hence the mind’s receptivity and efficiency in terms of spiritual matters is less. When the person is in deep sleep, the mind loses its body consciousness and merges with the intellect. The intellect also slowly merges with the PRAGNANAM or CONSCIOUSNESS in very deep sleep. Now the Guru imparts ATMA BODDHA which helps the disciple to understand and overcome the shortcomings and completely assimilate the Power of the Guru’s Upadesam. This happened in the case of Kota Janakirama sarma garu. Mata Kamalambika appeared in his dream and gave him Mantropadesam.

PRATYAKSHA DEEKSHA: - In some cases the Guru appears voluntarily in front of the sishya and fore warns about some impending danger. The Guru also initiates a Sadhana which strengthens the forbearance and endurance of the sishya. Thus the sishya faces the test of life and progresses spiritually with reinforced faith. Mata Kamalambika has led some sishyas in the sadhana marga in this manner also. Smt.Varalakshmi was thus cautioned about an accident and was later saved by Guru’s grace. But the net result was that the sishya gained a path for her spiritual sadhana. This incident helps us to infer that a sadhaka should not always seek divine intervention to alleviate his miseries; instead he should reinforce his faith in the Divine and his Guru and walk the path with greater perseverance.

PRASADA DEEKSHA: - There are instances when Mata Kamalambika set the doubts to rest in the minds of Her sishyas by giving them kumkuma or panaka prasada before showing them the path of sadhana.  She removed the doubts and anxieties from the mind of Sri. Prakash Rao garu by passing on Her Anugraha through panaka prasadam, instilled devotion and the spirit of Sadhana in his mind!

              Thus a Guru purifies the mind of his Sishyas in various modes, designs a suitable sadhana marga and leads them to the Ultimate Goal of MOKSHA. The Parabrahmam – the Immensely Compassionate Mother praised as AVYAJA KARUNA MOORTHY also operates as GURUMOORTHY and GURUMANDALA ROOPINI to uplift the Jivatma to attain BRAHMAIKYA sthithi!

                                                                            JAI SREE MATA….

August 2, 2013


SRI KAMALAMBIKA DIVYACHARITAMU gives a concise account of some of the important events in Mata Kamalambika’s life, her personality and the spiritual experiences of Her devotees. Most of these experiences are miracles that show Her omnipresence and omniscience. But the description given by Her sishya-devotee, Sri.Remani Kasi Viswanatha Sastry is very striking and thought provoking.

He says that he saw a MAHA YOGINI of Motherly Compassion in Mata Kamalambika. He also adds that persons trained by Her through sadhana, shall always be responsible and highly efficient even under stress. This aspect is very important and inspiring for a sadhaka who aims at all round progress and accomplishment.

        A Yogini is one who has realised the state of YOGA. Here Yoga means UNION, FUSION or IDENTIFICATION of the self with the SELF i.e. JIVATMA with PARAMATMA. This process of integration or Yogic Discipline involves two steps.

           STEP I   : Separating oneself from Attachments that enslaves and grieves us.
          STEP II   :  Integrating with the true Self that gives everlasting Bliss by fixing a higher goal in life.

Since this Sadhana is on a mental plane, let us study the mechanism of the mind to understand the need for this Yogic Discipline.

               The mind constantly runs into the external world with a huge expectation for sense and ego gratification. In this process it develops likes and dislikes which are nourished and nurtured by one’s self, spouse, parents, friends, children etc. Now the mind is firmly seated in ignorance and makes the body perform actions which are ego centred and desire driven. Thus the person is entrapped by the mind which runs after success and happiness and hates failure and sorrow without realising its temporary nature. Mind is torn apart by attachments, worries and anxieties. This makes people suffer from perpetual sorrow. This multifarious activity of the mind is called CITTA VRITTTI.

               A person who has identified the entanglement of the mind and the consequential suffering has an intense desire to become free from this bondage. This MUMUKSHA leads one to YOGA MARGA. The first step of Yoga is to eliminate Citta Vritti. This happens by

  • Withdrawing the organs of ACTION and SENSE – Karmendriyas and Jnanendriyas from running after desire laden objects.
  • Developing NON ATTACHMENT towards SENSE and EGO GRATIFICATION. This is called VAIRAGYA.
VAIRAGYA or NON ATTACHMENT can’t be forced on anyone. 

           “UNLESS WE LOSE CERTAIN THINGS CONSCIOUSLY AND         VOLUNTARILY WE CAN’T GAIN THE ULTIMATE,” says Swami Ramatirtha. One develops Vairagya when he realises that attachment to the objects of the external world is the source of sorrow and grief.

              Mata Kamalambika practised and illustrated Vairagya by being unattached to material, name, fame and recognition. The Divya Charitra tells how she parted her gold bangles to her friend in need and her gold chain to a thief who tried to cheat her. There was neither regret nor a sense of pride and achievement. She counselled and guided people to overcome their problems without claiming recognition or doership. Non attachment came naturally to her. “Sunayasa Maranam is a proof for this Vairagya Bhava,” say the scriptures.

               The second step in Yoga is to fix the mind on the true Self with the help of the Intellect. This is called BUDDHI YOGA. This integration will happen only when ignorance is completely removed i.e. when one can differentiate real (SAT) from the unreal (ASAT). This evolution of the mind is called VIVEKA and occurs only when we can identify the cause of ignorance. Mata Kamalambika has pointed out the cause for this ignorance or AJNANA. When one of Her devotee-sishya lost her husband, She consoled her through Her Enlightening words and pointed out that sorrow and grief arise from ajnana.

  • Ignorance is identifying the self with the body, mind and intellect which are limited, destructible and unreal (ASAT).
  • Ignorance is the failure to understand that the true SELF is BOUNDLESS, ETERNAL and INDESTRUCTIBLE (SAT).
When the ignorance is removed what remain are JNANA and PURE ANANDA. Therefore a mind trained by Yogic discipline comes to rest in the SELF and finds eternal fulfilment and happiness under all conditions. A person who revels in the peace and bliss of the SELF will permanently remain in that state. They shall neither lose nor regress from this TRUE NATURE OF THE SELF i.e. Satchitananda Swaroopam of the Atman. Such a person is called YOGINI. A person steeped in this Yoga is extremely disciplined and skilful. He is capable of overcoming difficulties of any kind; converts obstacles to advantages and challenges to opportunities. He maintains mental equanimity, confidence and cheerfulness even under demanding and stressful situations. This because his actions are not driven by motives; they are treated as his ATMANUBHAVAM. Jagadacharya Sri Krishna says that

  • Equanimity of mind is Yoga by saying that SIDDHYASIDDHYOH SAMO BHUTVA SAMATVAM YOGA UCYATE
  • Skill in Action is Yoga by saying that TASMADYOGAYA YUJYASVA YOGAH KARMASU KAUSALAM
                                       (Chapter 2; Verses 48 and 50)

The Lord also declares that a spiritual aspirant who follows the path of yoga with Sraddha for UNION with the SELF is superior to the ascetics in penance, the learned wise men and the perfectionists of karma.

Tapavibhyo’dhiko Yogi Jnanibhyo’ pi Mato’dhikah
Karmibhyascadhiko Yogi Tasmad Yogi Bhavarjuna

Yoginamapi Sarvesam Madgatenantaraatmana
Sraddhavan Bhajate yo mam SA me Yuktamo matah
                                       (Chapter 6; Verses 46 and 47)

 Thus a Yogi practices:
            KARMA YOGA using his Physical Body
            BHAKTHI YOGA using his Mind
            JNANA YOGA using his Intellect

Such a Maha Yogini capable of leading others along this path and producing similar spiritual heirs in the tradition is called YOGADA as observed by Remani Kasi Viswanatha sastry in the case of Mata Kamalambika. The essence of this YOGIC ATTAINMENT and the consequent BLISS may hence be called YOGYA and YOGANANDA! Let our mind rejoice and practice the Vairagya Marga by recollecting the events of the Divyacharitra and by praising SRIMATA as




July 26, 2013


Mother Nature shows us various examples of deep contemplation and the merit of such an intense concentration i.e. Dhyana and Dharana. The emerging of a beautiful and colourful butterfly from a crawly caterpillar that went into a penance within a cocoon; the birth of a cuddly baby from a single cell that hibernated in a mother’s womb is mysterious, yet wonderful! Similarly the unfurling of a bud into complete blossom is mystical and beautiful; described by great poets as a soulful experience. There is a lesson in each one of these examples. To a spiritual aspirant, the flower bud represents an entity (Jeeva) in penance which is concentrating all its innate and latent potential within itself in spite of the humming of the bees and the rustling of the leaves. It is silently and secretly meditating on the Supreme Jnana and Lavanya hidden within as Guhamba and Guhya Roopini. When the bud blossoms into a flower it presents its grandeur, fragrance and hues impartially to all its beholders like a completely Realised Jnani who radiates his Brahma Tejas. Thus a flower in full bloom is Jnana Incarnate i.e. Jnanada and Jnana Vigraha!

                A sincere seeker of the Supreme Reality is also required to silently gather his innate energies like a Meditating bud to reach his final goal of BLOOMING TO SELF REALISATION!
Mata Kamalambika shone as this ATMA JNANA SHAKTHI through Her spiritual practices in spite of the mundane problems of daily life (Samsara). She puts forth the importance of Sadhana of CONCENTRATION AND CONSISTENT EFFORTS (Sraddha and Abhyasa) in Her Sookthi

          Neevu Vinagaligithe Rail Koothalo Kooda
          Omkaram Vinapaduthundi!    
                                                                      (SOOKTHI 9)

This Sookthi literally translates as follows:-

               If you can really make a good effort you can hear the
              Sound of Pranava i.e. Omkara even amidst the noise
              of a train!

This Sookthi can be conveniently split into three phrases for analysis so that it is useful for our Sadhana!
         1. Rail Koothalo kooda à symbolising the Samsara

         2. Neevu Vinagaligithe à refers to our Sadhana through

  • Will power, commitment, dedication which is collectively called SRADDHA
  • Consistent efforts called ABHYASA which includes Smaranam, Mananam and Nidhidhyasam 
                                       under the guidance of a Sadguru.

         3. Omkaram Vinapaduthundi à indicates the final
             attainment which is the REALISATION OF THE SELF (or) BRAHMAM that is called OM or PRANAVA by the Vedas.

Let us now get deeper into the implications of this Sookthi.

                             It is common place to compare our life to a train journey to emphasise that all our worldly relationships are transitory like that of the co-passengers in a train. In Her Sookthi, Mata Sri Kamalambika compares Samsara i.e. our chaotic mind that of the disturbances in a train (Rail Koothalu). A train journey is typically characterised by confusion, noise and disorderliness caused by the rattles of restless children, arguments of uncompromising elders, bargaining hawkers and on top of all these the chugging and screeching of the train on the rails. Most of us are so engrossed in watching this hullabaloo that we don’t even realise that our journey is over. Such is our life that passes away among the rumblings of the mind without heeding to the intellect.

             But even in such a disturbing and distracting background there are very few people who complete their pre-planned job (say reading or writing) with utmost concentration. Such people have a great will power because their intellect holds the mind away from distractions and keeps it focussed on the task.

In a spiritual journey, the aspirant wants to experience and merge with the Brahman. This Brahman which is beyond description and definition is called OMKARA or PRANAVA by the VEDAS. OM is the sound-name-symbol given to the all-pervading Brahman which exists as the MANIFEST AND UNMANIFEST i.e. VYKTHA AVYKTHA SWAROOPINI. 

OM is the PRAGYANAM that acts as a substratum in our waking, dreaming and sleeping states i.e. JAGARANI, SWAPANTHI and TAIJASATHMIKA.

OM represents the Brahman which is the Ultimate Goal of concentration and meditation and is described as DHYANAGAMYA.

Sri Mata says that one can hear OMKARAM i.e. realise the SELF, even amidst the disturbances of Samsara, provided one has developed the capacity through determination. Hence She uses the phrase Nevu vinagaligithe. In other words She reiterates the instructions of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita that

                 Nothing can be achieved without self-effort because man is destined to progress spiritually only through proper utilisation of free will.

                Let man lift himself by himself, let him not lower himself; his self alone is his friend, his self alone is his enemy.
                                                     (Chapter 6; Verse 5)

Such an intense and immense concentration can be achieved through dedicated and committed effort, initiated by a Sadguru. This is called ABHYASA. It is a three-fold process of:-

1.     SMARANAM or Hearing
2.     MANANAM or Recollecting
3.     NIDHIDHYASAM or Assimilating and Internalising

Abhyasa purifies the mind initially; then the mind is made calm and finally silenced under the constant monitoring of the intellect! Now everything is set for the ULTIMATE FLOWERING called MEDITATION or DHYANA. Meditation is the highest spiritual practice which exhausts all the desires and thoughts; thus exposing the real Self or Omkara nadam.

Samsara (rail koothalu) is not a hindrance for Self-Realisation (hearing Omkaram) for those who are firmly rooted in their spiritual practices. When the will and effort are there in an individual, there is nothing to disturb their meditative state. They identify themselves with the fundamental rhythm, the under lying principle of Pranava and remain composed throughout the journey of life!

Mata Kamalambika puts this essence of Abhyasa yoga, Buddhi yoga and Dhyana yoga very aptly and concisely in Her Sookthi

              Neevu Vinagaligithe Rail Koothalo kooda
              Omkaram Vinapaduthundi!

Thus our Paramaguru has nourished every instruction (Sookthi) with Her Wisdom, Compassion and Grace. It is up to us to drop our ego and put Her Sookthis to practice because PARABRAHMAM or OMKARA SWAROOPINI can be realised only through ABHYASA.

Salutations to the Holy Mother who is ABHYASA ATHISAYA GNYATHA!