May 31, 2013



Today I have come before you with a question that baffled my mind ever since my so called spiritual inquiry began! I am not a very religious person though I love mythology and don’t mind observing ritualistic worship. I have always believed in a higher guiding and protecting force that operates our life from every possible level. But I was neither satisfied with the names and attributes given to that Supreme Power as mentioned in the stotras nor by the concept that this human life is only to accumulate punya and get rid of papa. I sought for further help and guidance as to understand ‘why I was born’, ‘what is the purpose or mission of my life’, ‘who am I really’ so on and so forth! I was either silenced and turned away or branded a religious rebel; but never got a satisfying answer.

              My curiosity, doubts and queries became introverted. Due to the demands of daily life it lay within smouldering like live charcoal. Whenever I read or heard about Gurus from books, media or the direct experiences of their Sishyas, I started longing for a Sadguru for myself – a guru to unravel the mysteries of life; a guru who would always stay beside me as I walk the path of trifle and tribulations; a guru who would answer and explain all my questions; a guru who would help me identify and discriminate dharma from adharma; a guru who would help me in the balancing act of Karma and take me towards NAISHKARMA STITHI.

             But I didn’t know where to begin my search though the intensity of my longing was sincere and severe. I started reading more and more books about the experiences narrated by various sishyas and some of them had also risen to the role of a guru to lead mankind to Self-Realisation. I showed greater interest in meeting the Gurus who were actively guiding my siblings and my friends. Somehow the mental agitation, anxiety and discomfort never subsided. The heart, mind and intellect never concurred i.e. the emotions of the heart, the thoughts generated by the mind and the discretion power of the intellect never matched with each other and on the whole I always remained clueless regarding my guru!

         At about this time I heard in a Bhagavad Gita discourse that:

                    A disciple need not go in search of a guru. If the sishya’s yearning is sincere and intense then the Guru himself will appear!

         Even Mata Kamalambika  states that one’s karma has to fructify in order to meet Her or even step into the Peetam. The 12th sookthi states “Karmanubhavamu tappadhu! Guru krupe charanyamu!” Though this idea of ‘Right time’ and ‘Karma fructification’ slightly disheartened me it definitely put me in the path of introspection and positive thinking. Eventually I started realising that everything, person and opportunity acted as a spiritual resource and patiently started waiting for the day when my Guru would appear before me! Secretly within my heart I would pray, lament cry and ask,


          In the Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahamsa Yogananda describes the various types of gurus, his experiences with them and how his own guru mercifully forgave Yogananda and showered his unconditional love and made him realise his life’s mission. Swami Rama’s biography- “Living with the Himalayan Masters”, Swami Vivekananda’s-“My Master as I know him” also ascertain that a Sadguru is an ocean of mercy and compassion.

          As this external search went on there was a simultaneous introspection and intense devotion developing from within. My own definition, description and qualification of a Guru started falling apart. The mind dropped its thoughts and the acquired ideas; the heart stopped its binding emotions and the intellect stopped its reasoning nature in this spiritual quest. Suddenly like a ray in the dark, rain on a parched land I found a stark reality-a bare truth staring at me! Yes, my Guru was right in front of me.

             My guru was intensely gazing at me full of love. I realised that my was always there to show my TRUE NATURE-the nature of the Self and it was my preconceived notion, lack of understanding and ignorance that made me run here and there in search of something that was already existing right in front of me. Once I picked up the lost threads my picture became clear. My doubts vanished and there was only clarity. I started realising that clarity of thoughts makes the mind pure. The two important tools in the spiritual path are clarity of thoughts and purity of mind. It keeps us firmly connected to our Guru. Otherwise our confused mind will easily get tormented and tossed in this ocean of worldly life. When we hold on to our Guru, we are completely taken care of. The sadguru leads our path by becoming the captain of our ship and teaches us how to handle life as a precious gift from the Lord. Our merciful mother, Kamalambika says, “Nannu nammu; Ninnu ekkadiki cherchalo naaku telusu.”

            Once this awareness is triggered we become alert and agile, we are available to the inner Self and to the external world with equal efficiency and ease thereby maintaining a complete balance. We recognise the spiritual potential of every resource around us be it a plant or bird; stone or water; child or adult; sane or insane; king or pauper….We realise that our guru is constantly guiding, protecting, leading and communicating to us through all these things around us. I started realising that the words I hear, the scenes I see, the fragrance which I smell, the tastes and the touches are all tools through which my guru constantly gives the required input and refines me so that I progress towards Divinity in every awakened moment of my life.

           I understood that this what Mata Kamalambika says in Her sookthi
        “ Guru Darshaname Sarva Devatha Sandarshanamu “

The answer to my search slowly dawned and I woke up to the truth that

        Guru Darshanam can’t be obtained by physical organs of vision since they can only show us the material world.

        Guru Darshanam can’t be made through the mind since it imposes its moods and colours.

        Guru Darshanam can’t be made through the intellect since it always seeks rationale and logic behind everything.

Guru Darshanam will happen only when all these anthakaranas drop and there is a complete surrender. One has to move beyond faith, devotion and acceptance and act in the next plane of Jnana and implementation of the truth principles. The Guru truly descends into our life and helps us in our spiritual elevation, shows the TRUE NATURE OF THE SELF only when we are ready to move beyond rituals, is committed to live life meaningfully and perform every act with complete awareness!


              JNANAM KANNA ACHARANA MINNA    (Sookthi 5)

says our Pujya Parama Guru Kamalambika!


May 24, 2013


The ideas presented to you so far under the title “Sri Kamalopanishad” are the gist of answers to the questions that arose in my mind namely

Who is Mata Kamalambika?
How Kamalamma garu became Sri Mata Kamalambika?
          What is Kamalambika Tattvam?

Having learnt Her grandeur, my mind now leaps to the next question, “where can I find Kamalambika?” In the Peetam is the immediate answer that comes to our mind. She herself claims in one of the Sookthis, “I shall eternally remain in this Peetam and protect the devotees by following them like their shadow!”(refer Sookthi No.8)

Where is this Peetam? Does Mata Kamalambika indicate that she is at Eluru Peetam? Do we have to go to Eluru to realise Her presence?

In our previous articles we have reiterated that Kamalambika is an All Pervading Presence; a Seat of all the Tattvas. She is not a human form to be limited to a body, to a place, to a name or to a form! If that is the case where do I locate Her and what is the meaning of the Sookthi quoted above? The answer is hidden right in it.

She promises to protect and guide Her disciples and devotees and follow them like their own shadow. We neither have a common nor similar shadow. Our shadows differ in size, shape, features and form. But definitely we all have a shadow; young or old, male or female, rich or poor, Indian or American- right from our birth to death it follows us.

So, dear friends where is Kamalambika? She is always with each one of us, inseparable from us like our own shadow. She is not dividing Her presence into equal parts and distributing it among different people! She is a complete, wholesome, presence for each one of us. The way we perceive Her changes as we grow internally and externally.

Where does she reside in order to guide us? Is She outside for us to see, hear, feel or smell and does she live inside us? Definitely she is not an object to be found outside. Therefore, we conclude that She is within us. Yoga Sastra says that each one of us is made of five sheaths i.e. PANCHA KOSHA
  1.       Annamaya Kosha – the physical or the gross body
  2.       Pranamaya Kosha – the inner self depending on air( Pancha Pranas)
  3.       Manomaya Kosha – the mind and citta.
  4.       Vignanamaya Kosha – the intellect or buddhi from where the ego rises
  5.       Anandamaya Kosha – the innermost sheath closest to the Atman. 
These sheaths have their independent role and are also interdependent. Let us not go into all these right now. We shall go back to our basic question of where we can find Kamalambika and what is Her Seat (Peetam) from where She operates. We may argue and be convinced that She is in each of these Koshas. But friends, I feel that MANOMAYA KOSHA is KAMALAMBIKA PEETAM! This is where the Holy Mother prefers to reside, guide and operate. I shall try to justify this dear friend.

The Manomaya Kosha is the inner sheath of every human being.  It consists of the mind (manas), the inner sensory preceptors (jnanendriyas) and the citta. Manomaya Kosha is the combination of Sattvic and Tamasic qualities. It is related to our inner subtler body. This Kosha is very important because it governs the gross body (Sthoola Deham) and the subtlest causal body (Karana Deham).  The Manomaya Kosha is fed and nourished by the inputs received from the five sensory organs. These inputs are converted into thoughts.

Thoughts make our mind. Bunches of thoughts come and go. Some are repeated, few are valid and most of them are not of any use to us. The mind nourishes our subtle body (Sookshma Deham). It is the only tool which can either propel us forward or may dump us into the doldrums. Mind can be used as a medium to enjoy luxury, to remain in the path of Dharma or elevate us to the higher strata of life leading to Discrimination, Detachment and finally Liberation i.e. VIVEKA, VAIRAGYA and MOKSHA.

The Manomaya Kosha is associated with the Manipuraka Chakra i.e. the navel centre of our body. It is the transition or bridge between man’s gross life and materialistic thoughts on one side and higher emotions like devotion and complete surrender on the other side. To cross this bridge and elevate oneself is the ultimate purpose of life.

Most of us can cross the materialistic obstacles of life with a little practice. But the most difficult exercise is to regulate the thoughts that arise in the mind. If useless thoughts arise in our mind, our resources like time and energy are wasted. If wicked thoughts arise our personality is further distorted and makes life difficult for our self and for others. This is where we need a bright, guiding light – a GURU who helps us cross the bridge.

Sitting in the Manomaya Peetam, our Parama Guru should operate on our mind, check the thoughts generated by it, eliminate the unnecessary useless ones, channelize the right thoughts and lead us to progress in our spiritual endeavour.

We should meditate on this while we chant “OM SRI KAMALAMBIKAYAI NAMAH”. This mantra repeated with devotion and conviction shall lay the seat (Peetam) for our Holy Mother and firmly establish Her presence in the Manomaya Chakra. From then onwards she will take charge of us and our transit very easy. 

Now we have arrived at the exact location of Kamalambika Peetam and I think I have answered the question with which we started our spiritual quest today!!

May 17, 2013


My mind is not yet satiated in looking into the various dimensions of the Kamalambika Tattvam. Since we have to move on to further topics of contemplation as well, I thought that we shall wind up this topic today with a very interesting yet the most difficult emotion for description, namely LOVE!!!


The very mention of RADHA brings sweetness to devotion. Bhakthi is a very gentle and soft emotion which can’t coexist with kama, krodha, lobha and moha! To eliminate these bad elements of the mind, one has to do sadhana and invoke RADHA RANI.

KRISHNA is an omnipresent wave of bliss. He attracts everyone and everyone loves Him. Each and everything in this Universe– animate or inanimate, wants Krishna!! But whom does Krishna want? Where does He go for solace? Whose love does He yearn for?

It is Radha Rani whom He wants, dearly loves and even worships! From the events narrated in Krishnaleela and Bhagavatham, we come to know that Radha Rani or Radhika was the most intimate companion of Sri Krishna who knew nothing but love for the Lord! When we go beyond the stories in our mythology we can understand the symbolism and the tattva hidden in it.

Radha tattva stands for purity in love and devotion which is called MAHABHAVA or TRANSCENDENTAL ECSTASY. The speciality of Radhika is that She bathes Herself in KARUNYAMRUTA, LAVANYAMRUTA and SNEHAMRUTA.

·     Karunyamruta is the compassion for Krishna and by Krishna which is unconditional and eternal.

·     Lavanyamruta is the grace, lustre and beauty which is not just physical but indicates the elegance and simplicity which underlies the knowledge of the Self. This is called SAMVIT SHAKTHI

·     Snehamruta is the love which increases despite the problems and obstacles. It melts the heart and due to such a SAKHI BHAVA there is a willingness to assume any role and any mood (rasa) to please Lord Krishna. This is the secret behind the Rasa Leela of Sri Krishna! Radhika assumes the multiple forms of gopikas who are in different moods of love to please the One Single Lord!

It is needless to mention that Kamalambika Herself was an Incarnate of Compassion and Love i.e. Karunyamurthi and Ishtasakhi. She was thus dear to everyone as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, counsellor and a guru. In spite of all her worldly activities she was always connected to Her Inner self whom she identified with SRI LALITHA TRIPURA SUNDARI. When one invokes Kamalambika their inner distortions namely kama, krodha, lobha and moha are eliminated and one becomes eligible to offer true devotion to the Lord. Hence it is definite that


Dear friends; the Kamalambika tattvam thus encompasses all the different philosophies of spiritualism. Thus I would like to perceive Mata Kamalambika as a repository of all the tattvas and their implicit meaning.

Therefore Sri Mata Kamalambika is



May 10, 2013


We shall now be moving ahead with further more understanding of the Kamalambika tattva.


‘Devi’ means that which is self-luminant and by the presence of which everything else becomes illuminated. Here the word luminant must not be confused with the science term ‘light’ or ‘vision’. The Sanskrit word ‘shuddha chaitanyam’ is the most appropriate synonym for Devi. In the unmanifested state there are no names, attributes or forms. When Devi manifests she is everything – living and non-living; seen and unseen; the known and unknown etc. She is the cause or seed (beeja) of this ever evolving Universe but She Herself remains eternal and unchanging. She is Bliss Incarnate Anandamayi which is the basis of Devotion and Divine Love.  Devi is beyond dualities and is not bound by time and space. Hence Devi is KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM OF THE SELF. (Atma Vidya Swaroopini)

        The life of Smt.Kamalamma garu might have been bound by time and space but the essence of her life which is embedded in the Kamalambika Tattva is Eternal and All Pervading. The seed of devotion sown by Kamalambika in the hearts of Her devotees help them to evolve beyond rituals and religious practices. It helps them to progress towards Moksha Sthithi – Eternal Bliss. She shall always remain the ever guiding light – Self lit and Self luminant; the lifetronic force behind our thoughts, actions and our very existence; thereby indicating that



According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is depicted as a recluse who always remains in a meditative state oblivious to the external world. He married Parvathi who was a princess and was a manifestation of Adishakthi Herself! Ganesha and Karthikeya were born to them to carry out the divine task of destroying the demons and protect the good from the evil. Many sivaganas, sages and hermits also joined the family of Shiva. But the Lord continued to remain unattached, unmindful of His family and its needs. He was always in meditative state either imparting wisdom or attending to His devotees who called Him when they were in desperation and trouble!

This carefree attitude and his detachment from the family issues upset and angered Goddess Parvathi. But she realised that Her anger could not change the reclusiveness of the Lord.  Hence She assumed the role of the Universal Mother and became Goddess Ambika!

AMBIKA is that essence of feminity which takes up the responsibility of maintaining an ideal household, balancing a harmonious marriage, motherhood and family. Ambika tattvam aims at bringing order in the society and peaceful coexistence in the Universe. Since the events narrated in the Divyacharitra reflect all these attributes there is no doubt that 



May 3, 2013


This article aims at showing that the life of Mata Kamalambika itself is Her preaching, teaching and tattva and how all the philosophies are embedded in it! Shall we now start our quest…?


Lord Krishna beautifully explains the way in which life should be lived as a gift received from the Almighty and how it should be converted into an offering to the Bhagavan! The Kamalambika tattvam shows how life can be transformed to liberation i.e. from Samsara to Mukthi. Throughout her life Kamalamma garu has demonstrated the strength of character. This is the firm foundation on which the right and balanced attitude towards material and spiritualistic life was developed. Such a poised approach leads one towards the much needed VIVEKA and VAIRAGYA. Thus she was strongly grounded and performed all her actions with complete Awareness without attaching any motive towards the end result. The Gita calls this as Nishkamya Karma. She thus showed the qualities of a Karma yogi by being constantly aware of her inherent divinity and every moment of her life turned to be meditative!

Since her actions were selfless they became an offering to the Almighty. She offered the following favourite flowers to the Lord to obtain His anugraha

Ahimsa prathamam pushpam - Pushpam Indriya nigraha
Sarvabhuta daya pushpam - Kshama pushpam visheshathaha
Jnana pushpam - Tapa pushpam
Shanthi pushpam thathaiva cha - Satyam ashtavidam pushpo
Vishnoho preetikaram bhaveth

Thus she was the true Bhaktha!

Her words and actions reflected the Self. She had transcended the limitations of the body, mind and the intellect. She had identified the self with the Self thus breaking the barrier between jivatma and the paramatma. She continued to exist in that state effortlessly i.e. from the state of a jnani she rose to the level of a Jeevan Muktha! This is seen in the ease with which she handled her life and its issues; the ease with which she could detach from materialistic things and above all the ease with which she could give up her body and merge with the super conscious.

Thus her life itself is a demonstration of the Bhagavad Gita. Hence I humbly submit to you that

       Keep reflecting on these thoughts until the next part is brought before you.